Did You Have a Difficult Childbirth?
If So, Would You Like to Feel Joy Again?
When your Birthing Experience was less than ideal, you can be freed from its impact - so you can be the Mother You Want to Be.
How much are Unresolved Events Impacting You and Your Family?
Are you fearing or avoiding a pregnancy, in case painful memories return?
Do you wish you could have bonded better with your child at birth?
Do you feel overwhelmed and disillusioned about your mothering role?
Are you easily triggered into fear or anger, and sometimes feel out of control?
Do you feel alone and secretly ashamed - as if your feelings are your fault - and have no-one to help you?
What if you could gently Resolve Distressing Memories
- Without being Retraumatised -
so your Whole Family's Future could Improve?
- Without being Retraumatised -
so your Whole Family's Future could Improve?
Imagine When You Can...
Feel understood, safe and supported, while you follow a system with proven results.
Develop a deep knowing that you are a good mother.
Feel healthily bonded with your child, so they feel secure and loved.
Be more present, to respond lovingly, respectfully and appropriately to your child.
Break the cycle of passing on post-traumatic stress symptoms to the next generation/s.
Meet Your Guide
Ingrid Weissmann
Dip HM, Dip Bow Ther, NFM, EFT, TBT®,
QFT, MR, LM, HYB, Accred Member ATMS
Would you like to be safely guided in your transformation by someone who knows how trauma feels - and who cares about you?
I have worked with thousands of clients over the past 30+ years.
I also know what it is like to be born into a family impacted by unresolved trauma.
This is why I have spent decades doing personal and professional development and feel so strongly about preventing unnecessary intergenerational trauma.
The I AM Method® for Birth and Bonding offers a whole-person, body-mind approach, which does not rely purely on talk-based therapy.
Traumatic memories are stored in the body as well as the brain. Therefore, wholistic, non-logic based techniques are used, which are safe, gentle, effective and non-retraumatising.
From decades of working with clients and ongoing professional development, I draw on a unique combination of cutting-edge body-mind techniques.
I have many uncommon qualifications, particularly in the Energy Psychology fields, such as EFT, TBT®, Matrix Reimprinting, Quantum Field Technique, Light Matrix, Heal Your Birth.
I am also qualified in Naturopathic Herbalism, Natural Fertility Management, Integral Yoga and Meditation, Re-Parenting, Communication Skills, Loss and Grief and Codependency.
Here are 3 Ways to start Feeling Better. Which one is Right for You?
Perfect for: You if you can attend an in-person session, on the mid-north coast, NSW.
Perfect for: You if you are not yet sure and would like to ask your questions first.
Why let Past Events Spoil the Future?
When life doesn't work out as planned... we usually need to process what happened, in a safe and supported way, so that our emotional wounds can fully heal.
Pregnancy and birthing can bring unresolved issues to the surface, or create new ones...
- Disappointment due to unexpected procedures can cause grief and self-blame
- When trauma occurs, we can stay stuck in a hyper-alert, fight or flight stress state
- Relationships with partners, children, parents, siblings and friends can be strained
- Feelings from childhood can be heightened, such as abandonment or rejection
When these realities are not adressed, they can remain active "under the surface" and feed feelings of being misunderstood, not heard, inferior, anxious or resentful.
Add these to daily life and things can start to compound - and everyone misses out on joy.
What If You Could...?
Thoroughly resolve emotional wounds, so the past doesn't creep into the present.
Heal your own birth to pave the way for a more positive birthing experience.
Experience a healthy bond between parent and child - at any age.
Repair relationships, between all generations.
Stay calm, clear and connected with yourself, your child and your partner.
Feel courageous, strong and confident to stand up for yourself when needed.
Know that you are being the best parent you can be, so that you can relax and enjoy!
The wonderful news is - you can!!!
This is exactly what The I AM Method® for Birth and Bonding is designed to do.
How It Works
Book Your Session
Use the booking calendar or phone to book your first Session:
- in-person, mid-north
coast of NSW, Australia
- or online, anywhere.
Have Your Sessions
The I AM Method® for Birth and Bonding will guide you along an individually-tailored path to gently resolve issues.
Safe, non-retraumatising.
Enjoy Freedom
Each Session creates a tangible shift in your perception and experience of distressing events and unconscious beliefs.
Relief and freedom result.
I offer a full refund if you are not completely satisfied with your session.
How many sessions will I need?
This is a difficult question to answer fully, as everyone is so individual. The answer depends on your unique history, circumstances and personal goals.
The I AM Method® for Birth and Bonding is 3 hours in total, purchased as a package. This is recommended as a starting point for new clients. This may be 3 one-hour sessions, or fewer sessions of a longer duration.
Sometimes more than 3 hours is needed to reach your goals. This can be discussed as your progress unfolds.
Please see the booking page for FAQ about packages, prices and links to the booking calendar.
Payment plans can be arranged - please ask.
How do I know if I have unresolved traumatic memories?
Your body, as well as your brain, stores the residue of big or traumatic events, until they are resolved.
Perhaps you already know that your birthing experience was not ideal and stressful.
Sometimes it is the symptoms we notice: feeling stressed, easily triggered into anger or tears, or not wanting to think about what happened.
Sometimes it is other people who notice we "haven't been ourselves" since the event.
Our children also sense when we are stressed and can become distressed as well, or feel confused, unsafe and like they have done something wrong.
Perhaps you cannot remember a specific event, but have an ongoing unease or anxiety instead, which has stayed with you.
If you find an uncomfortable, lasting memory or feeling you would like to be free from - book a session.
What is post-traumatic stress (or "PTS")?
PTS is a natural, automatic, survival response to an overwhelming experience.
PTS has nothing to do with your intelligence, your willpower, or how strong you are.
Put simply, your nervous system stays stuck in "fight, flight or freeze" mode, after the event.
This can happen to varying degrees and is very individual.
The good news is, the distressing symptoms of PTS can be switched off again, with the right guidance and techniques - no matter how long ago the original event was, or how complex it is.
How are the sessions non-retraumatising?
The brain stores traumatic memories in a different way to normal memories.
Logic, analysis and re-telling details does not usually resolve traumatic memories.
Unfortunately this approach can often be triggering and distressing, because the trauma is relived - not processed.
For this reason, I use body-mind techniques instead of talk therapy.
I only need a small amount of information to process a traumatic memory and where it is stored in the body.
In addition, as the processing of the memory begins, the intensity of it reduces very quickly and it usually reaches a very low intensity level by the end of the session.
Does the original memory remain after I have a session?
Yes. After the memory of your experience is resolved, it remains - yet it is altered and no longer triggers the shock response in your body.
It feels completely different.
It feels like any other normal memory you have, free from distress.
Are the results permanent?
Yes. The changes that occur during your session are deep, real and permanent.
Sometimes easy-to-follow suggestions are provided for you to simply reinforce and strengthen the changes made, after your session. (This varies according to which technique is used.)
Also worth noting, is that there can be other memories of past experiences which occasionally surface and want to be resolved - after the original memory is resolved.
This is not to be confused with the original changes being insufficient or impermanent. My feedback channels usually identify these. Another session to cover the new memories may be recommended.
Are sessions covered by private health funds or Medicare?
Unfortunately no, they are not. Nor are they available via a doctor's referral for a mental health plan.
Nearly every client finds their sessions to be highly cost-effective, life-transforming - and invaluable.
Depending on the individual situation, results are usually achieved quickly.
When relevant for your occupation, your investment in yourself may be classified as Professional Development, because our work usually results in increased:
mental focus
emotional intelligence
better relationships (at work and home) and
less stress.
What this means is your session/s could become a tax-deductible item (in Australia). Please ask your accountant if you need to clarify this.
What is a Trauma"? (1:55)